Quote Adeybull="Adeybull"Right, just watched the sky edited match. Some quick personal observations - feel free to shoot at them tomorrow but its just how it came across to me:
1. Leeds first try - defo well forward. It happens. Live with it.
2. Bulls second try - good argument for penalty against Newton; think we were fortunate it was not given - maybe cos could not have affected the play, and cos was not that much in it. We still lucky though. It happens. Live with it.
3. Leeds took an eternity to get off the tackle. Ref shouts "held" then about two seconds later "move" - every time. Leeds take 2.9999 seconds every time to get off the tackle. Think the refs are allowing 5 seconds to clear, so Leeds playing it very very fine. But must have been within the Rules cos Mr Smith said so. Bulls need to learn from Leeds, and get equally as good at counting to 2.9999 seconds...
4. Stevo is a complete wassock. Talked out of his GI tract most of the game. Phil Clarke (as usual) called it right pretty well every time.
5. The Vidref decisions all seemed correct (leaving aside the Newton issue earlier) and I learnt something about being offside at the play-the-ball. I think both Mr Smith and M. Alibert were on the ball tonight, and M. Alibert should be commended. And I'd like to think I was not saying that just cos we won.
6. The TV confirmed what it looked looked at the ground - that was a team that was very very up for it. They were playing for each other, and the enthusiasm the showed when congratulating a player who had done well was quite moving. Not seen such as that for a long time.
7. Every one of them did bloody well. Made up for Worrincey and Sherriffe, who had strong games. Those two will do good for us. And Cook had a stormer, and Halley did pretty well too. Jeffreys is a better 7 than 6. Beaver is a class apart. But they all did good, especially given losing two key players in the first half. They showed pride in the shirt, and confidence in themselves and their coach.
8. Sykes needs to find his kicking boots again.cos I suspect we are going to need them!
9. Came across on TV as loudest Bulls crowd and best atmosphere at Odsal for ages. Same as it did to me at the ground. Collective pat-on-back due there.
10. I'm afraid to say that apart from the goalkicking we did not look to be missing Paul Deacon at all. If anything, rather the opposite.
OK, miscellaneous ramblings from a much happier Bulls fan after a few bottles of rather nice real ale. Bed now and sleep well; I suspect I will!
well said

and it's all correct