Quote Blue 'n Amber="Blue 'n Amber"It's people like you who are harming the games industry. The same people who will complain about poor graphics, unrealistic gamepley etc. If people paid for games instead of downloading them then more money could be spent on development.'"
I will happily admit that I
DID download it, and have played it just once so far.
As to your tripe about "people like you....." - I will also be buying the game !!!!!
Frankly, there are so many games that range from poor to downright atrocious, I feel no guilt whatsoever about downloading them, testing them, and then ONLY purchasing the ones that I will play more than once.
Some (most) games get no more than 5 minutes before they are consigned to the scrap-heap, which would be one hell of a waste of money.
Anyway - On to this game.
As I said, I only played once, and I used the alternative control-method of Wiimote only. (I'll be testing the Wiimote + nunchuck option over the weekend).
Controls are generally good and fairly intuitive - And there *IS* a sprint option (with the Wiimote-only, you hold down button "B")
Not seen all the stadia, but the DW looks superb.
Player graphics are generally very good (although as mentioned, Pat Richards looks more like Shaun Ainscough).
Team ratings are not accurate for this year, but then again we are a much better team than last year.
However, they are fully customisable, so you can rate Stains 1 for everything, and us at 100 if you really want to
I will say that you *REALLY* need to play this game on a composite lead (the 5-lead version, not the standard 3-lead).
The difference between standard 480i (blurred) graphics and Progressive 480p (pin-sharp) is phenomenal.
This game is the only reason that I bought the Composite lead, and it makes a MASSIVE difference.
(If anyone wants them, I bought mine from ebay for just £2.85, with free P&P, so no need to miss out if your TV can handle the input).
Final thoughts:
Buy it.
I will be, and I already have it and could play for free if I really wanted to, but it is so good that I feel the need to support Sidhe for the work that they put in.