Quote WireWonder="WireWonder"I see the Wire bashing has already begun in earnest from you lot. Stuff like "we'll show you whose number one in Cheshire" etc. I must say,Warrington players and fans are hardly likely to be running scared of a club that's just been destroyed by the likes of Leigh.
We could give the current Widnes side a 40 point start and still be ahead.........by half time.
Wire are THE major force in Super League wereas the underdog club in the area,the 'Vikings',are light years away from being that.
Warrington have been the most successful club over the last 2 seasons. We also have the best stadium,the best support and best team right now and are a shoe-in to win the Grand Final.
The only way Widnes fans will get there is if you get a ticket for the game to support whoever we're playing.
Also your supporters do talk some rubbish. Over the last couple of days i've heard it said that Widnes are 'bigger than Warrington and at least as big as St Helens'. Ha bloody Ha. You've some great comedians in Widnes.
Finally, YOU'RE NOT OUR RIVALS ANYMORE! You were years ago but we've long out grown our rivalry with you,our rivals are Wigan and Saints, your rivals are Crusaders.'"
troll troll troll troll troll, he is gaining your anger therfore making him succesful, ignore him simples
i could comment on lots of what has been posted but i wont apart from 1, and its been said before, wire aint our rivals anymore????? welL wire might not want to be, BUT.............watch out for the viking army