Quote Pumpetypump="Pumpetypump"... The enforcement of the previous smoke-bomb fine is a shame for the club because it suggests they haven’t yet got a solution for handling these muppets.'"
I don't know if there is one, though.
The only sensible response is to identify the perpetrators, and ban them from the ground.
However it is, in practical terms, impossible to do that. I mean, they might ID one or two and make an example of them but I don't recall any report of even that happening.
The reasons are many - the stewards have neither instruction, inclination, ability, sufficient salary or (crucially) legal power to wade in and arrest people, so for anything other than very small scale issues, they are largely a waste of space. So if 50 or so start a chant, they won't be stopped, and unless Wakey have invested heavily in AV technology then they can't for the most part be identified much less anything specific proved against a specific person. Even if a few were identified you can't tell me that there is any reasonable chance of turnstile operators in future games turning them away, that is clearly pie in the sky.
The answer's easy - ID the culprits and act against them. The hard part is finding a way to do that.