Quote middleman="middleman"to offer what is essentially now ' last years strip ' at full list price is silly , all other SL online shops are kicking out their exisiting strips at offer prices at around 19.99 - 24.99 , or launching ' next seasons . They should have some product at a discount as a tempter. '"
Wait, are they bringing out new shirts imminently then? have they said that? Maybe i should wait before buying them for the kids? would rather get the latest ones than ones that are out of date already!
I am getting the home shirts, so if they are only changing the away then i'm fine. Had the order in my cart then! will wait for firther input now
actually that has made me think of a question - do rugby clubs change their shirts every season? hope not as that really annoys me about football! but I suppose rugby clubs might need the money more?